When times are tough the barter system makes a comeback. Although we don’t suggest you post a listing on Craigslist trading yard work for tattoos, but you could see what shops are willing to make some deals.
Foundation of Youth, a tattoo shop in Waterbury, CT is offering tattoos and piercings for a PS3 and other gaming stuff.
The owner, Jay Moynahan says he understands that not everyone has cash to pay for their body mods, and he’s willing to trade his time for toys and electronics for his son. After a 30% decrease in sales he realized that people needed an alternate method of payment. Although the idea came from customers who saw ads for his shop on Craigslist who began to email him about paying with stuff rather than cash. Other artists at the shop have accepted payment in stuff while Moynahan still pays them their cut in cash.
Moynahan admits that he doesn’t make much money on trades but it’s a good marketing strategy that attracts a lot of repeat customers who are willing to pay in cash.
Photo by milydickinsonridesabmx